Trying to find better performance on my WordPress websites.
WordPress 3.6.1
Login to Amazon Web Services.
Click on CloudFront
Click on Create Distribution
Go with Download and click on Continue
Enter in the domain name you want to use with CloudFront, leave the rest at their defaults. Then click on Create Distribution..
Installed WP Super Cache Plugin.
Advanced: Checked off
Cache hits to this website for quick access.
Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files.
Compress pages so they're served more quickly to visitors.
304 Not Modified browser caching.
Don't cache pages for known users.
CDN: Checked off
Enabled CDN Support.
Enter the offsite URL you setup at Amazon CloudFront.
Save your setup.
I did find that in some cases (Formatting messed up), I had to clear the cache in WP Super Cache. Go to the WP Super Cache settings, Easy, Delete Cache.
I noticed better performance on all my websites, but I noticed better performance on websites I had images on.