Performance Adjustments for Virtuals
Edit the virtual's vmx file and add below:
MemTrimRate = “0″ sched.mem.pshare.enable = “FALSE” MemAllowAutoScaleDown = “FALSE”
For more info go to this website: Ubunbtuforums
Time Syncing Problems
To find CPU speed go to a linux prompt and type in cat /proc/cpuinfo Look for cpu MHz and put for host.cpukHz Edit /etc/vmware/config and put the three entries below: host.cpukHz = 1830000 host.noTSC = TRUE ptsc.noTSC = TRUE
USB not working in Vmware on ubuntu
gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/
Uncomment lines 42-45 starting with #mkdir /dev/bus/usb/.usbfs
/etc/init.d/vmware restart
For more info go to this website: USB I want to thank everyone for this information.