Debian 10 setup to become a Docker host server Download and setup Debian 10 the way you want it. Disable some not needed services. # systemctl list-units -t service # systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled --no-pager # systemctl stop nfs-common.service # systemctl disable nfs-common.service # systemctl stop rpcbind.service # systemctl disable rpcbind.service # systemctl stop ..
Author : Darcy Bottaro
Debian 9 setup to become a Docker host server Download and setup Debian 9 the way you want it. Docker CE # curl -fsSL | apt-key add -# deb [arch=amd64] stretch stable Disable some not needed services. Ref: # systemctl list-units -t service # systemctl stop nfs-common.service# systemctl disable nfs-common.service# systemctl ..
Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and openCertificate Authority that you can use to secure your web server. I used Certbot to do the installation. URL: and This is the setup for a Nginx CentOS 6 Server Change into root directory # cd /root/ Create a bin directory # mkdir bin Change into bin directory # cd ..
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 GT-N5110 isn't supported anymore at LineageOS. Last version seems to be OK, keep receiving an error everytime I do file management type of work. "MTP Host has stopped" tried different versions of Android, versions 7.1.2, 6.0.1 and even other custom roms. When I go back to Android 5.1.1 from CM ..
I wanted to see if I could install Linux Desktop on my MSI GL62 Laptop. So here is some basic steps I needed to take to make it work. Created a bootable USB key with Elementary OS on it. This setup even works with UEFI, you may need to disable the secure boot. ..
Using CentOS 7 for a web server, see my steps below. This setup was started on a vps provider online. So of course there maybe some steps missing if you were building on your local server. CentOS 7 x86_64 minimal install. As soon as the server has boot up, now it is time to ..
So I wanted to try out ServerPilot, ServerPilot is a web tool that helps setup your server for WordPress or php needed applications. You can go to to check out ServerPilot. You need to have a basic Ubuntu 14.04 or Ubuntu 16.04 Server setup. I also wanted to make some tweaks to the ..
Hosting websites on VPS Server has been fun, but after a while you get tired of all the maintenance and security that has to be done. I have been using Amazon S3 for backups of websites and I couldn't believe how inexpensive the service was. So now I am hosting some static websites on ..
I have read about Ghost Blogging software and wanted to know how it worked. So I installed it on CentOS 6 and this is what I had to do to get to work properly. Server 1 gig ram, single CPU and 20G ssd hard drive. When running this setup seemed to only using 250mb ..
Setup a webserver on FreeBSD. Used Vultr VPS Hosting. They use SSD drives and the performance is very good. Deploy FreeBSD in Vultr, do this under Deploy New Instance and Deploy your new FreeBSD VPS Server. Here is the basic setup I was playing with. Update to the current FreeBSD version. # freebsd-update fetch install ..